What is "Carbon Neutral T-Shirt"?

什麼是「碳中和 T-Shirt」?

313 Collection is FORESTABLE’s first carbon-neutral clothing line

Out of the purest love and wanting to do something for the earth we live on

We will do this for everyone who owns 313 Collection

Purchase 25 kilograms of green energy carbon rights to offset the carbon dioxide produced during the manufacturing of T-Shirt

And mint carbon rights NFT corresponding to the emissions as proof that you have contributed to the earth.



We purchase the green energy carbon rights generated by wind power generation in Changbin Industrial Park and Taichung from South Pole, an international authoritative organization.

And jointly with Asia's first digital asset issuance and exchange platform "Jcard" to cast the purchase certificate of carbon rights into NFT and issue it


▲ Changbin and Taichung Wind Power (SOURCE: South Pole)


▲ South Pole Certificate

Check our blog for more information.